The Road to Repower - Part III

Does your solar farm need an SOS?

2DegreesKelvin have developed our 'SOS' assessment process which stands for 'Site Optimisation Suitability'. Based upon the site design, current condition, installation standards, historic operational performance, safety concerns and system components, our bespoke assessment process provides a percentage rating on any given site which indicates its suitability for improvement, optimisation, revamping and repowering solutions.

It also recommends certain activities or retrofittable solutions which could be applied to the site to increase performance, reliability, safety and longevity.

This process can be applied to individual sites, but is designed to be applied to multiple sites within a portfolio and to enable the comparison and priority-based order of criticality to tackle the sites in.

If your solar farm needs an ‘SOS’ please get in touch and we will walk you through the process!